Wednesday, May 26, 2010

War Story Wednesday: Man VS Gold

My father and I recently spent a week in northern California prospecting for gold. It was quite the fun time, although we didn't find any gold to speak of. We were actually plagued by a string of bad luck; impassible roads, overflowing creeks, and persistent snowstorms. Still, the beautiful mountain vistas, rich river valleys, and a day out at the coast made for a very fulfilling time.

My father is planning to return later in the summer when the prospecting conditions may be more favorable. I won't be able to join him on account of my new job, but hopefully he is able to locate some of the precious metal. He has grand hopes for finding a glory hole or maybe even making a mining claim (yes, people are still making claims in gold country), but I would be happy if he can back with just a few flakes or nuggets.

Here's wishing him the best of luck.

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